Αlexandros Kapsimalis


Grown up in Santorini, he left to study Architecture in Athens and do his postgraduate studies in Zurich. It is three years now since he came back to his island and started working here. Alexandros Kapsimalis belongs to the young generation of architects. His works (Santorini Heights, Villa Aesthesis etc) clearly reflect his conviction that “the particular volcanic landscape in Santorini should be the basis for every building structure”. He considers essential the “harmonious integration of buildings in their natural or structured environment”, and believes that “every single case should find its way to its different distinct innovative solution”. Every single building structure should be integrated to the environment”. He goes on referring to the substantial significance of natural light and the variety of perspectives this light attributes to every single corner. Alexandros gets inspired from the traditional architecture of settlements in Santorini, which he considers “both diachronic and modern”. Closing, he points out that “the landscape in Santorini is like a modern sculpture”. All we have to do is explore and identify this dimension in her beauty.